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Nutritionist Interview Questions

Position Summary

A nutritionist’s primary duties are to determine a patient’s or client’s dietary needs based on an assessment of the client’s medical state and history. The nutritionist counsels the patient and formulates a plan to create a diet to meet the client’s unique requirements. This plan takes into account medical needs as well as lifestyle choices and budget. 


A nutritionist’s responsibilities include:

  • Processing doctor recommendations and medical assessments
  • Formulating meal plans for the client conducive to dietary needs
  • Working directly with clients and their families to determine dietary requirements
  • Delivering presentations to clients regarding dietary determinations
  • Maintaining relationships with clients over significant periods of time to ensure that nutrition plans are followed


A nutritionist’s skills include:

  • Interpersonal skills to communicate client needs
  • Maintaining a comprehensive knowledge of nutritional science 
  • Maintaining an inventory of supplies for the client’s use
  • Long-term planning skills to maintain successful client relationships
  • Translating and communicating industry terms in an understandable format for clients


At minimum, a nutritionist is required to have a bachelor’s degree in dietetics or nutritional sciences. For hospital positions, an applicant is required to have status as a Registered Dietician (RD). For most positions, several years of experience is required, whether through previous employment or academic internships.


Salaries for nutritionists range between $52K and $75K with the median being $63K. 

Factors impacting the salary you receive as an nutritionists  include:

  • Degrees (bachelor's, master's, registered dietician certification)
  • Years of experience
  • Location
  • Reporting Structure (seniority of the manager you report to and number of direct reports)
  • Level of Performance - exceeding expectations

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Nutritionist Interview Questions

Question: How would you create a meal plan for a geriatric patient with high blood pressure?

Explanation: The interviewer is leading off the interview with an operational question. As a nutritionist, you should anticipate the majority of questions during an interview will be operational. These questions help the interviewer understand how you go about performing your job and the required duties. Operational questions are best answered briefly and to the point.

Example: “As with any new patient with a medical issue, the first thing I would do is consult with the patient’s physician to determine the nature of their issue, how long they’ve been experiencing it, and if there are any other related complications. Once I have a complete medical history of the patient, I can then design a program to address their nutritional needs without impacting any medical issues they are currently experiencing.”

Question: What are the typical dietary recommendations for patients with limited finances?

Explanation: This is another operational question exploring your ability to consider non-nutritional related questions that may impact a patient’s dietary program. As a nutritionist, you need to take into account everything about a patient’s background to design an effective program that not only helps them achieve their nutritional goals but is also something they can execute. Other issues may be their family situation, lifestyle, demands on their time, etc.

Example: “Before I create a nutritional program for a client, I have them fill out an extensive questionnaire which details their health, medical history, current nutritional program, lifestyle, finances, and many other factors I need to know about. I then take all of these into account when putting together a program. If the patient has limited finances, I recommend foods with high nutritional value and low cost. I also coach them on how to shop seasonally and how to combine foods to enhance their flavor and nutritional value.”

Question: What steps would you take to motivate a client who showed little interest in their dietary practices?

Explanation: This question is exploring your coaching ability. As a nutritionist, not only do you need to know about diet and related issues, but you also have to be able to communicate with and motivate your clients. These are skills that are not taught and need to be learned through practice and experience.

Example: “Motivating my clients to follow the programs I create for them is essential to success. I do this by trying to uncover what excites them and what they are willing to work for. I use a combination of goal setting, encouragement, accountability, and positive reinforcement.”

Question: What information would you include in a dietary presentation to primary school students?

Explanation: This is another question which the interviewer is asking to explore your non-nutritional related skills. They’re hoping to learn about your communication skills and your ability to present information to a specific audience.

Example: “When I have to present nutritional and dietary information to a specific group of people, I tailor the message to their needs and interests. When addressing young children, I try to make the subject of nutrition as fun as possible. I talk about the different food groups, which of them are healthy, which need to be eaten in moderation, and other health information. I use examples they can relate to, give them a lot of opportunities to ask questions, and provide examples of the concepts I am presenting.  The more engaged they are, the better they will learn.”

Question: What is a food diary, and how is it used in a nutritional plan?

Explanation: This is a technical question. Technical questions ask about specific items or concepts used in your profession. The best way to respond to technical questions is to define a term and then discuss its applications for the work you do.

Example: “A food diary is a record of everything you consume. Its purpose is to build awareness about a client’s eating habits and keep them engaged in the nutrition program. It also helps them make healthy food choices. Finally, it provides me with a more accurate record of how well they are following the plan and what areas I need to address.”

Question: What does fiber do for the body, and why is it essential for people with gastric issues?

Explanation: This is another technical question asking you about a specific component of the diet and its benefits. Technical questions are best answered directly and succinctly with little embellishment. The interviewer will follow up with another question if they need additional information or want to explore the topic in more depth.

Example: “Fiber is an important component of any diet, but it is especially important for people with gastric issues. Fiber from natural sources such as grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It also improves bowel function and regularity. Another benefit is that because it is filling, it reduces the amount of food a patient needs and helps support a weight-loss regimen.”

Question: What type of plan would you create for someone who was chronically underweight and needed to increase their BMI?

Explanation: This question addresses an uncommon issue for a nutritionist. Nutritionists typically address issues related to overeating or eating the wrong foods. Since more people have a high BMI and are overweight, nutritionists are typically helping people lose weight. Assisting a person with gaining weight requires special skills and knowledge. Because this condition may be caused by psychological issues, the nutritionist also has to be a good counselor and know when to engage other healthcare professionals.

Example: “It is rare, but I occasionally have to deal with people who are chronically underweight and need to gain body mass. This is usually a result of an eating disorder or other psychological issues. When I encounter this, I put together a program that combines good eating practices and nutrition with counseling to address the psychological issues. I also recognize that addressing this will take more time due to its complexity.”

Question: What are some effective strategies you have developed to help clients make positive lifestyle changes?

Explanation: This operational question is exploring your ability to motivate clients and coach them. It is similar to a question the interviewer has already asked. Interviewers will often ask similar questions at different points in the interview to calibrate your answers and ensure you are consistent.

Example: “The strategy I find most effective in getting clients to change their lifestyles is to provide them with a goal they can visualize. This usually involves them doing a favorite activity or imagining themselves with a new healthy body. I use positive reinforcement throughout the process, and I keep reminding them of the objective of the program. I also hold them accountable with frequent check-ins and provide incremental rewards as they make progress.”

Question: What was the most challenging experience you had in your previous work as a nutritionist, and how did you overcome it?

Explanation: This is another behavioral question. Everybody encounters challenges in the work they do. The key is successfully overcoming them. You can also describe a challenge you were not able to overcome but from which you learned a valuable lesson that you’ve applied in subsequent work.

Example: “The most challenging experience I’ve encountered in my work as a nutritionist was a patient who not only did not follow my program but actively sabotaged it. They falsified the information in their food diary while adding additional restricted or prohibited foods to their diet in an act of defiance. Once I realized this, I took a firmer stance with them, threatening to quit the program and report their behavior to the health authorities. This was effective, and by working together, we were successful in addressing their nutritional needs.  What it taught me was each patient needs to be treated as an individual and may require different motivational strategies.”

Question: What are the populations of people with whom you are most interested in working?

Explanation: This is a tricky question. While you might have a specific population you prefer to work with, your answer should address the needs of the employer and the reasons they are interviewing you. This benefits you as well because if you are not interested in working with the population the employer serves, you probably will not do a good job and will be looking for another position soon.

Example: “The population I enjoy working with the most are older people. I find they have a wide range of nutritional needs which makes the job challenging. However, they are also interested in their health and are more willing to go along with the programs I design. I have noted that this is the population your organization works with, so I believe it would be a great fit for me.”

Additional Nutritionist Interview Questions

  • Explain the first steps in formulating a diet plan for a new client.

  • How would you go about making recommendations for a diabetic client?

  • What inventory systems do you use when keeping track of supplements and medications?

  • What steps do you take to instill a sense of trust in your relationship with patients?

  • Are you a Registered Dietician?

  • If so, how much experience do you have working directly alongside doctors to help patient treatment and recovery?

  • How would you begin making a plan for a client in need of weight loss?

  • What does a client’s BMI tell you about how they should be advised in their daily lives?

  • How would you formulate diet and exercise plans for a group as well as individual clients?

  • What qualifications or experiences do you possess that make you stand out in this field? 

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